
Kalev Käosaar

European Trademark and Design Attorney, Partner


Kalev Käosaar

European Trademark and Design Attorney, Partner

Tel: +372 6 379 484


Office: Tallinn

Areas: Legal services, trademarks, domain names, designs, copyright

Work experience:

Patendibüroo  KÄOSAAR since 1999

Estonian trademark attorney (trademarks, designs) since 2004

European trademark and design attorney since 2004

Kalev Käosaar is KÄOSAAR’s partner and executive manager of the Tallinn office. Kalev’s main areas are trademark registration and legal protection, including anti-counterfeiting and anti-piracy representation before the Estonian Tax and Customs Board and the Police. Kalev did an internship at a patent agency in Denmark and an in-service training at a US patent agency. Kalev has vast experience with international trademark registration. He has been recognized as an expert in trademark law by a number of legal directories, such as World Trademark Review and Best Lawyers.


University of Tartu, MA in Law, to be obtained

University of Tartu, BA in Law 2007

Audentes Business School, BA in Business Administration 2001






Estonian, English, Russian


Chamber of Patent Attorneys

FICPI (International Federation of Industrial Property Attorneys)

AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property)

Anneli Kapp

Patent Attorney, European Trademark Attorney, Partner


Anneli Kapp

Patent Attorney, European Trademark Attorney, Partner

Tel: +372 7 383 051


Office: Tartu

Areas: Legal services, trademarks, domain names, designs, copyright, patents and utility models

Work experience:

Patendibüroo  KÄOSAAR since 2002

Estonian trademark attorney (trademarks, designs) since 2010

Estonian patent attorney (patents, utility models) since 2011

European trademark and design attorney since 2011

Anneli Kapp is KÄOSAAR’s partner and executive manager of the Tartu office. Also one of our most universal team members with work experience in all services that our office has to offer. Anneli is mainly specialised in advising clients in matters relating to disputes and contracts, trademark portfolio management, as well as industrial design registration and legal protection. Anneli has also been present with most KÄOSAAR’s patent disputes, and another one of her responsibilities is supplementary legal protection of patents. Moreover, Anneli handles trademark, design and utility model renewals. Anneli holds lectures on IP protection at Art College Pallas (since 2011) and is a contributor to the World Trademark Law Report online version.


University of Tartu, MA in Law 2015

University of Tartu, BA in Law 2010

Tallinn School of Economics, Law with specialisation in Customs 2000


Estonian, English


Chamber of Patent Attorneys, member of the professional qualifications committee

Association of Estonian Lawyers

INTA (International Trademark Association)

Industrial Property Board of Appeal, additional member

Aivo Arula

Patent Attorney, European Trademark Attorney, Partner


Aivo Arula

Patent Attorney, European Trademark Attorney, Partner

Tel: +372 7 383 051


Office: Tartu

Areas: Patents and utility models, trademarks, designs, domain names

Work experience:

Patendibüroo KÄOSAAR since 1993

Special Construction Bureau of the Estonian Academy of Science, Tartu branch, 1986 – 1992

Estonian trademark attorney (trademarks, designs) since 2000

European trademark and design attorney since 2004

Estonian patent attorney (patents, utility models) since 2015

Aivo Arula is partner at KÄOSAAR, with more than 20 years of experience in the IP law field. Aivo is specialised in trademark searches. Over the years he has conducted more than 7000 searches and thus his expert advice has made an important contribution to the selection process of many of today’s well-known trademarks. Aivo has been recommended as one of Estonia’s leading trademark specialists by the World Trademark Review. Aivo’s technical education and years of experience as an engineer also make him a valued expert in the area of industrial designs, patents and utility models.


Tallinn University of Technology, mechanical engineer, Precision Mechanics Apparatus, 1986


Estonian, English, Russian


Chamber of Patent Attorneys

INTA (International Trademark Association)

Kristiina Aasna

Patent attorney, Partner


Kristiina Aasna

Patent attorney, Partner

Tel: +372 7 383 051



Areas: Patents and utility models

Work experience:

Patendibüroo  KÄOSAAR since 2008

Estonian patent attorney (patents, utility models) since 2015

Kristiina Aasna is our partner and patent attorney specializing in the legal protection of software-related, electronic, and mechanical inventions. Also, Kristiina’s areas of expertise are patent searches, novelty examinations,  equivalent patent searches, patent renewals, and patent transfers. Kristiina advises and assists clients in protecting and defending their innovations worldwide.


University of Tartu, MA in Information and Knowledge Management 2017

University of Tartu, BA in Educational Science 2008


Estonian, English


Chamber of Patent Attorneys, member of the Ethics Boards

Kärt Kuuseväli

European Trademark and Design Attorney, Partner


Kärt Kuuseväli

European Trademark and Design Attorney, Partner

Tel: +372 7 383 051


Office: Tartu

Work experience:

Patendibüroo  KÄOSAAR since 2006

Estonian trademark attorney (trademarks, designs) since 2017

Kärt is partner at KÄOSAAR and her main areas are trademark registration and legal protection. Moreover, Kärt manages our accounting, HR and finances. During her studies, Kärt won the 2007 / 2008 Swedbank’ Economics scholarship; in 2012 her Master’s thesis won the third place in the Estonian Taxpayers Association’s competition of economics programmes MA papers.


University of Tartu, MA in Economics 2012

University of Tartu, BA in Economics (cum laude) 2008


Estonian, English


Chamber of Patent Attorneys, member of the Controller Board

Adrien Renaudo

European Patent Attorney, Representative before the UPC


Adrien Renaudo

European Patent Attorney, Representative before the UPC

Tel: +372 7 383 051



Areas: Patents and utility models

Work experience:

Patendibüroo KÄOSAAR since 2018

Patent Attorney Associate at Becker & Associés Practice, Paris, 2014-2017

Project Manager at Médisup (University Medical training), Paris, 2009-2013

Postdoctoral Research fellow at Robert Debré Hospital, Paris, 2008-2009

European Patent Attorney since 2018

Adrien Renaudo is our European Patent Attorney specialized in the protection of chemical, medical and biotechnological European patents and International patent applications. Before joining KÄOSAAR, Adrien worked 3 years at Becker & Associés, one of the top French IP Practice. Adrien advises and assists clients in protecting and defending their innovations worldwide. He can perform patentability and freedom to operate studies to evaluate the potential of your inventions. He is also very experienced in drafting and prosecuting European and International patent applications.


Diploma in Patent Litigation in Europe (CEIPI), 2023

International Patent Law School of Strasbourg (CEIPI), France, University Diploma in Patents, 2014

University of Nice, France, PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2006

University of Nice, France, MSc in Pharmacology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2002

University of Nice, France, BSc in Biochemistry and Cellular Biology, 2000



English, French


epi (Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office)

Madis Paluoja

Counsel for Commercial Law


Madis Paluoja

Counsel for Commercial Law

Tel: +372 7 383 051


Office: Tartu

Areas: Legal Services

Work experience:

Patendibüroo  KÄOSAAR since 2012

Counsel for Commercial Law since 2004

Trustee in Bankruptcy 1999 – 2003

Madis Paluoja is our company’s counsel in the field of commercial law. His main duties are the legal protection of business names and legal advice in matters of company law from the formation to the liquidation of a company. Among other things, Madis assists our clients with foundation and liquidation of companies, the sale and acquisition of shares and reorganisations of companies. In addition, Madis has vast experience with consultations in matters related to company management, such as commercial register entries, general meetings and share capital changes; assistance in settling disputes and drafting shareholder contracts.


University of Tartu, Faculty of Law 2001 – 2006

University of Tartu, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration


Estonian, English, Russian


TriSmile triathlon club

Viktoria Adler



Viktoria Adler


Tel: +372 6 379 484



Work experience:

IP Law Firm KÄOSAAR since 2015

AS DNB Pank – Secretary 2007-2012

Pindi Kinnisvara AS – Secretary 2006-2007

Viktoria Adler is assistant at KÄOSAAR, whose duties include managing the documentation and ensuring the smooth organisation of daily office work.


Lääne-Viru College, Accountancy 2000


Estonian, English, Russian

Sirje Küünal

Assistant, Patent Department


Sirje Küünal

Assistant, Patent Department

Tel: +372 7 383 051


Office: Tartu

Work experience:

Patendibüroo  KÄOSAAR since 2007


Sirje Küünal assists KÄOSAAR’s patent, trademark attorneys and lawyers in their daily work. In addition, Sirje is in charge of our archives.


University of Tartu, English Language and Literature 1978


Estonian, English, Russian

Hanna Liis Kiho



Hanna Liis Kiho


Tel: 372 7 383 051



Work experience:

Patendibüroo KÄOSAAR since 2023.

Hanna Liis Kiho is assistant at KÄOSAAR, whose duties include managing the documentation and ensuring the smooth organization of daily office work. In addition, Hanna Liis assists KÄOSAAR’s patent and trademark attorneys in their daily work.



University of Tartu, BA in Psychology 2021


Estonian, English

Sirli Pihlap



Sirli Pihlap


Tel: +372 7 358 648



Work experience:

Patendibüroo KÄOSAAR since 2024

Finnair Business Services Ltd (Assistant Financial controller, later Financial Controller): 2021-2024

Konecranes Ltd (Accountant): 2015-2019

Backoffice Services Estonia Ltd, Finnair Plc (Accountant): 2012-2015

Sirli is assistant at KÄOSAAR, whose duties include managing the documentation and ensuring the smooth organization of daily office work. In addition, Sirli assists KÄOSAAR’s head accountant and attorneys in their daily work.


Estonian University of Life Sciences, BA in Agrarian Economics and Financial Accounting, 2009


Estonian, English

Peeter Konks

IT manager


Peeter Konks

IT manager

Tel: +372 7 383 051


Office: Tartu

Work experience:

Patendibüroo KÄOSAAR since 1993

Special Construction Bureau of the Estonian Academy of Science, Tartu branch, mechanical engineer, computer engineer and programmer, 1980 – 1993


Peeter Konks takes care of our company’s IT requirements and developing IP management software.


Tallinn University of Technology, Control Engineering 1978


Estonian, English, Russian